Spoiler Alert! You may see spoilers for some books, so peruse carefully if you haven't read all the books yet.
- ABBEYFORD—site of a wool market. (KJ)
- AIRNIS—small earldom in southwestern Corwyn. (CM) (TKD)
- ALDUIN—forest near Culdi. (BH)
- ALL SAINTS’ CATHEDRAL—seat of the Archbishop of Valoret and Primate of Gwynedd. (CC) (SC) (CH) (HG) (BP) (QSC)
- ALTA JORDA—seat of the Jordanet family in Joux. (KKB)
- ANDELON—a sovereign principality immediately bordering the Forcinn States to the south (CM) (TKD), currently ruled by Princess Sofiana. (KKB)
- ANVIL OF THE LORD—a large desert region lying to the east of Jáca, Bremagne, and Alver, and south of R’Kassi, consisting of a number of small independent Moorish states. (KKB)
- ARC-EN-CIE—royal convent and school of Our Lady of the Rainbow, just outside Rhemuth, where Alyce de Corwyn and Zoë Morgan studied. (IKS) (CM) (TKD)
- ARDEVALA—a holding of Michon de Courcy. (IKS)
- ARGOED—after 905, the Michaeline Commanderie (military headquarters) in Gwynedd, in the southern Lendour Mountains. (SC) (SC) (CH)
- ARJENOL—a large duchy in eastern Torenth, closely associated with the royal House of Furstán; recent dukes include Lionel II (1100–1121) and his half-brother, Mahael II (1121–). (HD) (BH) (KJ) (QSC) (KKB)
- ARKELLA—manor of Sir Evan Sullivan, north of Ratharkin; location of a Portal. (IKS) (TKD)
- ARNHAM—birthplace of Manfred MacInnis’s son Edward. (CH) (HG)
- ARRANAL Canyon—northern passage through the mountains separating Torenth from Marley, which Duke Ewan’s army is assigned to hold. (HD)
- ARRANAL VALLEY—part of a strategic pass between Torenth and the Earldom of Marley. (CM) (TKD)
- ARX FIDEI SEMINARY—one of the principal seminaries in Gwynedd, north of Rhemuth near Valoret. (IKS) (CM) (TKD) (PA)
- BALLYMAR—site of the ancient McLain burial ground east of Uiskin on the Northern tip of Cassan. (TKD). It was newly created as a coastal see in northern Cassan, seat of Bishop Lachlan de Quarles. (BH) (KJ) (QSC)
- BARWICKE—site of Saint Jarlath’s Monastery, a few hours’ ride north of Saint Liam’s Abbey. (CC) (CH)
- BELDOUR—capital city of Torenth, sited near the confluence of the Beldour and Arjent Rivers. (KJY) (BP) (IKS) (CM) (TKD) (DC) (HD) (KKB)
- BETHENAR—honor of one of the ancient families of the Eleven Kingdoms. (HD)
- BREITFAHR—Morian’s home outside Ratharkin. (TKD)
- BREMAGNE—a large kingdom situated across the Southern Sea to the southeast of Gwynedd; currently (June 1128) ruled by King Ryol II, brother of Jehana Dowager Queen of Gwynedd. (IKS) (CM) (TKD) (KKB) (KD)
- BRUSTARKIA—a county of western Arjenol, currently (June 1128) ruled by Count Teymuraz. (KKB)
- BRUSTARKIA—a Michaeline House-Minor (town) in Arjenol. (CC) (CH)
- CAERIESSE—legendary land that sank beneath the sea. (IKS) (CM) (TKD)
- CAERRORIE, Tor—Camber’s principal residence as Earl of Culdi and original buryial place, a few hours’ ride east of Valoret (CC) (SC) (SC) (CH); later, the seat of Manfred MacInnis, Earl of Culdi of the second creation. (HG) (KJY) (BP) (QSC)
- CALAM—a sovereign grand duchy of the Connait, currently ruled by Grand Duke Gron III. (KKB)
- CANDOR RHEA—a field outside Rhemuth where King Brion was slain during a hunting excursion (DR) (DC); also site of a sacred well. (BH) (KJ) (QSC)
- CARBURY—coastal town north of Valoret, where Elinor MacRorie’s parents live. (SC) (CH); seat of Bishop Creoda of Carbury (DC) (HD) for a time (now transferred to Culdi). (BH) (KJ) (QSC)
- CARCASHAL—town near Transha where Dhugal was captured. (BH)
- CARCASHALE—an earldom in northern Gwynedd, whose present incumbent also holds Caerrorie. (QSC)
- CARDOSA—strategic (and frequently disputed) border fortress city in the Rheljan Mountains between Eastmarch and Torenth; location of St. Mary’s Cathedral (CM) (TKD) (DR) (DC) (HD); in 1122, designated the episcopal see of Bishop Siward. (BH) (L)
- CARTHANE—an earldom in the south of Gwynedd along the River Eirian, with a capital in Nyford (HG) (KJY) (BP) (TKD) (QSC); previous earls include Richard Murdoch and Innish Pirek-Haldane.
- CARTHANELLE—royal manor north of Nyford, summer seat of the Dukes of Carthmoor. (IKS)
- CARTHMOOR—former subsidiary princedom in the former Principality of Mooryn, Carthmoor is a southeast duchy that borders Corwyn on the east and the Royal Honor of Haldane on the north. This duchy is traditionally held by the second son of the king, most recently including Prince Richard (IKS) (CM) (TKD) and by Prince Nigel. (DR) (DC) (HD) (KKB) (BH) (KJ)
- CASHIEN—episcopal see to the west of Rhemuth on the Gwynedd-Connait border. (BP) (BH) (KJ) (QSC)
- CASSAN—formerly a petty princedom ruled by Prince Ambert Quinnell, now a duchy in the northwest of Gwynedd, bordering Kierney and the Meara protectorate. Its first duke was Tambert Fitz-Arthur-Quinnell (KJY) (BP) (IKS) (CM) (TKD); later dukes include Jared McLain (DR) (DC) (HD), Duncan McLain (1121–1125), and Dhugal MacArdry (1125–). (BH) (KJ) (QSC) (KKB)
- CASTEL DEARG—Jared McLain’s seat in Kierney. (IKS)
- CASTEL EDAIN—seat of Baron Faas of Glyndour. (TKD)
- CASTLE CYNFYN—seat of the Earl of Lendour, in the town of Cynfyn. (IKS) (CM) (TKD)
- CASTLE DERRY—seat of the O'Fynns of Derry, a small earldom in the eastern marches, between Cardosa and Rengarth. (KD)
- CASTLE RUNDEL—an hour’s ride from Culdi. (IKS) (CM)
- CHELTHAM—site of the Michaeline Commanderie (military headquarters); destroyed on Imre’s orders in 904. (CC) (SC) (CH)
- CINQUE-EGLISE—Bremagni town, site of King Meyric’s summer palace, Millefleurs. (TKD)
- CIRCASSIA—an emirate in Libania. (KKB)
- CLAIBOURNE—principal city of Old Kheldour. (SC)
- CLAIBOURNE—first duchy of Gwynedd, created for Sighere of Eastmarch, after annexation of Kheldour by Sighere and Cinhil (SC) (CH); later, the seat of Graham, Third Duke of Claibourne (HG) (KJY) (BP) (CM) and Duke Ewan III. (TKD) (DR) (DC) (HD) (KKB)
- CLOOME—a small earldom in the southwestern region of Meara. (KKB)
- CLOOME—town on the western coast of Meara, south of Laas and just north of the border with Pardiac. (TKD)
- COAMER MOUNTAINS—mountain range marking part of the southernmost border between Gwynedd and Torenth. (CM) (IKS) (TKD)
- COAMER Range—mountains on the southern border of Llyndruth Meadows, separating the Cardosa Defile from the Dhassa area. (HD)
- COLBLAINE—town near Transha. (BH)
- COLDOIRE—passage through the Rheljan Mountains, near the Arranal Canyon. (SC) (CH)
- CONCARADINE—free port on the River Eirian located on the Eirian River delta, turnaround point for the great southern fleets; famous for its gold and jewel artisans. (IKS) (DR) (DC)
- THE CONNAIT—a confederation of sovereign states located west of Gwynedd and south of Meara (considered barbarians by Gwynedd), loosely governed by the Connaiti Council of Sovereign Princes; famous for its mercenaries. (HG) (KJY) (BP) (DR) (DC) (KKB)
- COR CULDI—hereditary ancestral seat and fortress of the Culdi earls, near the city of Culdi, on the Gwynedd-Meara border. (CC) (SC) (CH) (HG) (BP)
- COR RAMET—field where Kelson and the rebel bishops agreed to rendezvous. (HD)
- COROTH—capital of the Duchy of Corwyn in Gwynedd; location of Cathedral of St. Matthew. (IKS) (CM) (TKD) (DC) (HD) (BH) (KKB)
- CORWYN—duchy in southeast Gwynedd, part of the ancient Principality of Mooryn; seat of the Deryni dukes of Corwyn (IKS) (CM), ruled since 1091 by Duke Alaric Morgan. (TKD) (DR) (DC) (HD) (BH) (KJ) (QSC) (KKB) (KD) (T)
- CROOKED Dragon Inn—hostelry in the Torenthi port town of Fathane, where Derry spent a night. (DC)
- CÙILLE, RIVER—marks the border between Gwynedd and Meara. (TKD)
- CÙILTEINE—marcher holding in southwest Gwynedd, south of Droghera, near Saint Brigid’s. (IKS) (BH) (KJ) (QSC)
- CULDI (city)—central city of the Honor of Culdi, on the Gwynedd-Meara border (CC) (SC) (CH); Burial place of Lady Alyce de Corwyn de Morgan; also the burial place of her daughter Bronwyn and Kevin McLain, Bronwyn’s betrothed (DR) (DC) (HD); also site of the synod to elect a new Bishop of Meara in 1123. (BH) (KJ) (QSC)
- CULDI (earldom)—earldom in the Purple March formerly held by Camber MacRorie; later a holding of Jared, Earl of Kierney. (CM) (TKD) (HS)
- CULLIECAIRN—Haldane stronghold (castle, town, and garrison) guarding the Coldorie Pass between Eastmarch and Tolan. (BP)
- CULTEINE—a Michaeline House in western Gwynedd. (SC) (CH).
- CYNFYN—capital of the earldom of Lendour. (IKS) (CM) (TKD)
- CZALSKY—a county of northeastern Torenth, currently ruled by Count László. (KKB)
- DANOC—a Gwynedd earldom. (BH) (KJ)
- DELLARD’S LANDING—ford on the Duncapall River, north of Coroth. (IKS) (CM) (TKD)
- DERRY—a small earldom located north of Corwyn, held since 1106 by Earl Séan O’Flynn. (KKB)
- DESSE—principal inland port town of Gwynedd, representing the northern-most navigable point on the River Eirian, several hours’ ride south of Rhemuth on the confluence of the Rivers Eirian and Molling. (KJY) (BP) (IKS) (CM) (TKD) (QSC) (KKB)
- DHASSA—Once an independent Prince-Bishopric, Dhassa is a free holy city in the Lendour Mountains of eastern Gwynedd; seat of the Bishop of Dhassa, who is politically neutral, by tradition and presides from the Cathedral of St. Andrew (CC) (SC) (CH) (HG) (BP) (IKS) (CM) (TKD); meeting place of the Gwynedd Curia; known for its woodcraft and the shrines of its patron saints, Torin and Ethelburga, which guard it south and north. (DC) (HD) (BH) (KJ) (QSC) (KKB)
- DJELLARDA—capital of the princely state of Andelon and original Mother House and Commanderie of the Order of Saint Michael, at the tip of the Forcinn Buffer States, overlooking the Anvil of the Lord; sometimes called “The Gate of the Anvil.” (SC) (CH) (IKS)
- DOL SHAIA—a dry area in Carthmoor where Kelson once camped his army, just outside Corwyn. (HD) (BH)
- DOLBAN—ruined manor bought by Guaire of Arliss as a site for the first monastery of the Servants of Saint Camber (SC) (CH) (HG); later, the site of a shrine to him. (QSC)
- DONNERAL—site of ducal estates earmarked as part of the dowry of Morgan’s sister Bronwyn. (DC)
- DORNA—plain where Duncan finally found Sicard’s army. (KJ) (QSC)
- DRELLINGHAM—town where General Gloddruth agreed to meet Kelson and his army en route to Cardosa. (HD)
- DROGHERA—marcher holding on the Meara-Gwynedd border, south of Culdi. (BH) (KJ)
- DUNLUCE—port town in Carthmoor. (TKD)
- EASTMARCH—independent holding of Duke Sighere of Kheldour, Earl of Eastmarch; later given to Hrorik, Sighere’s middle son (SC) (CH) (HG).(KJY) (BP) (IKS) (CM) (TKD) (DR); ceded to the Crown in 1120 after the death of Ian Howell and subsequently given to Burchard de Varian to reward his loyalty in the Torenth War. (BH) (KJ) (QSC) (KKB)
- EBOR—Gwynedd earldom north of Valoret (CH), the title of which was attainted in 917, and the earldom has been held in abeyance since that time. (HG) (KJY) (BP)
- EIRIAL, Barony d'—holding of Sir Radulf d'Eirial; formerly part of Michaeline holding of Haut Eirial. (V)
- EIRIAN RIVER—principal river of Gwynedd, extending northward from the sea to Rhemuth and beyond. (CM) (TKD)
- ELCHO—region in northern Eastmarch where the traitorous Rorik Earl of Eastmarch was finally captured by forces loyal to King Brion. (TKD)
- ELEVEN KINGDOMS—ancient name for the entire area including and surrounding Gwynedd; eleven kingdoms can no longer be traced. (DR) (DC) (HD) (BH) (KJ) (QSC) (KKB)
- ESGAIR DDU—the Black Cliff, prison fortress of Cardosa Castle. (HD)
- FALLON—earldom of Lord Rogier. (DR)
- FALLON—a small kingdom lying south of the Forcinn States and north of Bremagne. (KKB) (TKD)
- FARNHAM—honor of the Camerons; a Crown holding after Cinhil’s accession. (CC) (CH)
- FESSY—village in Bremagne, site of an apparition seen near an ancient holy well, where the Ordre de Notre Dame d’Arc-en-Ciel began. (IKS)
- FIANNA—a small sovereign county lying between Fallon and Logréine, south of the Forcinn States, known primarily for its wines. (TKD) (DR) (DC) (BH) (KJ) (QSC) (KKB)
- FIANNA—coastal town across the Southern Sea from Carthmoor (within the country Fianna); famous for its sweet wines (CH) (CC)
- FORCINN BUFFER STATES—loosely confederated group of independent principalities south of Torenth, nominally under the overlordship of the Hort of Orsal (who is also Prince of Tralia), the others being the Duchy of Joux, the Grand Duchy of Vezaire, and the Principalities of Logreine, Thuria, Nur Hallaj, and Andelon. (CM) (TKD) (DR) (DC) (BH) (KJ) (QSC) (KKB)
- FURSTÁNÁLY—principal palace of the Kings of Torenth in Beldour, famous for its Hanging Garden, one of the seven architectural wonders of the world. (KKB)
- FURSTÁNAN—Torenthi port town at the mouth of the Beldour River, and location of the Deryni Abbey of Saint-Sasile. (CM) (KKB)
- GARWODE—village near Saint Torin’s shrine. (HD)
- GREAT ESTUARY/ TWIN RIVERS STRAIT—the waterway between Corwyn and Orsal leading to the mouths of the Western and Beldour Rivers in Torenth. (KKB)
- GRECOTHA—university city (Universary of Grecotha and the former Varnarite School) on the north Gwynedd border, where Camber and Archbishop Anscom attended school; seat of the Bishop of Grecotha (CC) (SC) (HG) (KJY) (BP) Bradene (DC) (HD); Site of St. Luke’s Cathedral. (CM) (TKD); seat of Bishop Wolfram de Blanet. (BH) (KJ) (QSC) (B) (PA)
- GRELDER PASS—High pass leading from Saint Bearand’s Abbey, northeast of Caerrorie, down to the Iomaire plain. (QSC)
- GUNURY PASS—southern gateway to Saint Torin’s and Dhassa, in the Lendour Mountains. (DC)
- GWYNEDD—central of the Eleven Kingdoms and hub of Haldane power since 645, when the first Haldane High King began to unify the area; seat of the Festillic dynasty 822–904; restored to the Haldane line in 904 with the accession of Cinhil Haldane (CC) (SC) (HG) (BP) (IKS) (CM) (TKD) (DR) (DC) (HD); recent kings include Malcolm (1025–1074), Donal Blaine II (1074–1095), Brion (1095–1120), and Kelson (1120–). (BH) (KJ) (QSC) (KKB)
- HAGIA IÓB’S—the oldest Christian church in Torenth, located in Torenthály; burial place of Furstán I, first King ofo Torenth. (KKB)
- HALDANE—royal duchy comprising the central portion of the kingdom of Gwynedd, traditionally held by the Haldanes of Gwynedd. (DR) (DC) (HD) (BH) (KJ)
- HALLOWDALE—village on the Molling River, scene of an infamous burning of a Deryni family. (CM) (TKD)
- HANFELL—site of a shrine to Saint Camber. (CH)
- HAUT EIRIAL—a Michaeline House in the southern Lendour Mountains, destroyed by Imre in 904 and again by the regents in 917. (SC) (CH)
- HAUT EMERAUD—equestrian stud facility of Oisín Adair. (CM) (TKD)
- HAUT VERMELIOR—site of a shrine to Saint Camber. (CH).
- HORTHÁNTHY—the summer palace of the Hort of Orsal on the Ile d’Orsal. (CM) (TKD) (KKB)
- HORTHNESS—Barony of Rhun the Ruthless, a member of one of the ancient families of the Eleven Kingdoms. (HG) (KJY) (BP) (HD)
- HOWICCE AND LLANNEDD—two kingdoms located in the southwestern portion of the Eleven Kingdoms, united under the personal rule of King Colman II. (KKB)
- HOWICCE—kingdom linked with the Kingdom of Llannedd, southwest of Gwynedd. (DR) (IKS) (CM) (TKD) (SC) (CH) (HG) (BP)
- ILE D’ORSAL—an island off the coast of Tralia in the Southern Sea, constituting the original settlement of the Orsal family; it includes the town of Orsalis. (KKB)
- INCUS DOMINI—the Anvil of the Lord, headquarters of the Knights of the Anvil, a Deryni order partially derived from fled Knights of St. Michael after the dissolution of that order. (CM) (TKD)
- IOMAIRE PLAIN—site of battle with Ariella’s forces on Gwynedd-Eastmarch border (SC) (CH); former site of a shrine marking the place where Camber MacRorie fell in battle. (QSC)
- ISLE D’ORSAL—island site of the Hort of Orsal’s summer palace. (TKD)
- JÁCA—sovereign principality, one of the Forcinn States, lying to the east of Fallon and west of the Anvil of the Lord. (CM) (IKS) (KKB)
- JACK Dog Tavern—Derry’s drinking spot in the Torenthi port town of Fathane. (DC)
- JÁNDRICH—a duchy of northern Torenth. (KKB)
- LAKE JASHAN—lake guarding the southern approach to Dhassa, at Saint Torin’s, passable by ferry. (DC) (HD)
- JENADÛR—Sé Trelawney’s family seat. (IKS)
- JENAS—a Gwynedd earldom. (BH) (KJ) (QSC)
- JENNAN VALE—village in Corwyn, near the northwest border; site of a skirmish between Prince Nigel’s troops and rebel peasants. (HD)
- JOUX—a sovereign duchy formerly of Torenth (CM) (TKD), more recently of the Forcinn States. (KKB)
- JUPE DE LA VIERGE—great cape between Fianna and Fallon. (TKD)
- KENTAR—point on the eastern side of the Eirian Estuary, with the Abbey of St. Ultan’s looking down from it. (TKD)
- KHARTHAT—site of the marketplace where Thorne Hagen first found Moira. (HD)
- KHELDISH RIDING—northeastern portion of the old Kingdom of Kheldour (IKS), broken off after its annexation by Sighere and Cinhil in 906 (SC) (CH) (HG) (BP) and held directly by the King of Gwynedd; famous for its weavers. (DR) (DC) (HD) (BH) (KJ) (QSC)
- KHELDOUR—an ancient sovereign principality located in the far north of the Eleven Kingdoms, famous for textiles and carpets; associated with Rhendall and the Festils through Termod of Rhorau (CC) (SC) (CH); now a part of Gwynedd, comprising the Duchy of Claibourne and the Earldoms of Marley and Eastmarch. (HG) (KJY) (BP) (IKS) (CM) (TKD) (KKB)
- KIERNEY—earldom north of Culdi in northwest Gwynedd, loosely linked to the Crown of Gwynedd (CH) (HG) (BP); a secondary holding of the Dukes of Cassan, bordering Cassan, the Mearan Protectorate, and Gwynedd Crown lands (IKS) (CM) (TKD) (DR) (DC) (HD) now (1121) held by Duncan McLain. (BH) (KJ) (QSC) (KKB)
- KILARDEN—an earldom in northern Meara. (KKB)
- KILCHON—port town on the coast of Carthmoor. (TKD)
- KILLINGFORD—site of the bloodiest battle fought in the history of the Eleven Kingdoms, between Gwynedd and Torenth, at a ford on the Falling Water River north of Valoret in the year 1025. (IKS) (KKB)
- KILSHANE—an ancient extinct coastal barony in Kierney, bordering Transha. (QSC) (KKB)
- KILTUIN—small river-port town in Corwyn, north of Coroth near the Corwyn-Torenth border, held big the Bishop of Corwyn from the Duke of Corwyn. (IKS) (T)
- KINDALOO—a village north of Ratharkin and Arkella, in Meara. (IKS)
- KING’S LANDING—a barge station on the River Eirian, just north of Rhemuth. (CM) (TKD)
- KINGSLAKE—village in northwest Corwyn visited by Warin; site of the Royal Tabard Inn. (DC)
- KOMNÉNË—a small county in southwestern Arjenol. (KKB)
- KULNÁN—a county of western Torenth. (KKB)
- LAAS—former capital of independent Meara and periodic center of separatist uprisings in Meara, located on the west coast of that country. (CM) (TKD) (BH) (KJ) (QSC)
- LAVAL RIVER—river dividing Fallon and Bremagne. (TKD)
- LENDOUR MOUNTAINS—mountain range delineating Corwyn and Haldane Crown Lands; located in this range are Dhassa, Saint Torin’s, Saint Neot’s, and the Gunury Pass. (DC) (BH)
- LENDOUR—earldom north of Corwyn in south-central Gwynedd. (IKS) (CM) (TKD), now a subsidiary title to the Duchy of Corwyn. (KKB)
- LINDESTARK—honor of one of the ancient families of the Eleven Kingdoms. (HD)
- LLANARFON RIVER—northern boundary of Llannedd, bordering Gwynedd territory. (TKD)
- LLANNEDD—kingdom linked with the Kingdom of Howicce, southwest of Gwynedd. (SC) (CH) (HG) (BP) (IKS) (CM) (TKD) (DR)
- LLEGODDIN CANYON/TRACE—stony riverbed trail ending at Rustan. (TKD)
- LLENTIETH—Deryni school near the Connait. (CH).
- LLYNDRUTH MEADOWS—grasslands at the foot of the Cardosa Defile; site of the final confrontation between Kelson and Wencit of Torenth. (DC) (HD) (BH) (KJ) (QSC)
- LOCHALYN CASTLE—seat of Hrorik, earl of Eastmarch. (BP)
- LOGREINE—a sovereign principality between Vezaire and Fianna, one of the Forcinn States. (TKD) (KKB)
- LORSÖL—duchy in southeastern Torenth, famous for its carpets. (CM) (TKD) (KKB)
- MARBURY—episcopal see in the earldom of Marley.(KJY) (BP) and seat of the Bishop of Marbury, Ifor. (DC) (HD) (BH) (KJ) (QSC)
- MARLEY—small earldom in northeast Gwynedd, carved out of Eastmarch and given to Sighere, youngest son of Duke Sighere, in 906 (CC) (SC) (CH) (HG) (BP) (IKS) (CM) (TKD) (DR) (DC) (HD); formerly held by Bran Coris, now by his son Brendan under the regency of Richenda and Alaric Morgan. (BH) (KJ) (QSC)
- MARLOR—barony of Manfred MacInnis. (CH) (HG) (BP)
- MARLUK—a Torenthi duchy lying on the south side of the Beldour River, currently merged with the Crown. (KKB)
- MARYWELL—town in northern Gwynedd where a Festillic garrison ran amok. (CC)
- MEARA—formerly independent kingdom/princedom northwest of Gwynedd (CC) (SC) (CH) (HG) (KJY) (BP); now a crown protectorate: the kings of Gwynedd are also princes of Meara. (DR) (DC) (HD) (IKS) (CM) (TKD) (BH) (KJ) (QSC) (KKB) (KD)
- MEDRAS—Torenthi city north of Fathane, staging area for some of Wencit’s troops. (DC)
- MILLEFLEURS—Bremagni summer palace at Cinque-Eglise. (TKD)
- MOLLING RIVER—an eastern tributary of the River Eirian, joining it at Rhemuth. (CM) (TKD)
- MOLLINGFORD—originally a Michaeline house on the Molling River, near Hallowdale in the central Gwynedd plain, destroyed by Imre in 904 and again by the regents in 917 (SC) (CH); later a market town. (CM) (TKD)
- MOORYN—petty kingdom to the southeast of Gwynedd; formerly a powerful ally under Imre’s reign (CC) (SC) (CH); later a sovereign principality but divided by Festil I into the Duchies of Corwyn, Carthmoor, and numerous smaller earldoms and baronies. (CM) (TKD) (SC).(KJY) (BP)
- MORGANHALL—manorial seat of the Morgan family. (IKS) (CM) (TKD)
- NIKIDARI—capital of Fallon. (TKD)
- NIKOLASEUM—the seven-tiered monument erected at Torenthály by Arkady II King of Torenth to the memory of his brother, Prince Nikola; it is considered one of the seven architectural wonders of the world. (KKB)
- NUR HALLAJ—one of the Forcinn States, bordered on the east by the Kingdom of R’Kassi. (IKS) (CM) (TKD) (KKB)
- NUR SAYYID—great university in R’Kassi. (IKS) (CM) (TKD)
- NYFORD—Port city south of Rhemuth at the confluence of the Eirian and Lendour rivers, near Saint Illtyd’s Monastery; site of Imre’s abortive capital (CC, SC, CH); seat of the Earls of Carthane; episcopal see for Carthane, the Bishop of Nyford. (KJY) (BP); site of St. Joseph’s Cathedral (IKS) (CM) (TKD); city of origin of the itinerant Bishop Richard of Nyford. (HD) (KKB)
- ORSAL AND TRALIA—a principality lying east of Corwyn across the Southern Sea, and south of Torenth, ruled by the von Horthy family, whose current prince, Létald, bears the title Hort of Orsal and Prince of Tralia; the Principality of Tralia is the mainland portion of the country. (KKB)
- ORSALIA—ancient name of part of Trailia, whence derives the title “Hort of Orsal.” (IKS) (CM) (TKD)
- ORSALIS—the town and harbor of the Ile d’Orsal. (KKB)
- ÖSTMARCKE—a duchy of eastern Torenth, situated to the west of Arjenol. (KKB)
- PARDIAC—region just south of Meara, in the Connait. (TKD)
- PELAGOG—holding of one of the ancient families of the Eleven Kingdoms. (HD)
- PLADDA—a manor house of Coroth, nestled in a curve of the Duncapall River, bordering Tendal lands. (CM) (TKD)
- POINT KENTAR—a peninsula of Carthane, at the mouth of the Eirian River. (TKD)
- PORTEE—site of a long-vanished Healer’s schola. (HG)
- THE PURPLE MARCH—vast meadowlands north of Rhemuth in the north-central part of Gwynedd under Crown rule; one of the titles of the kings of Gwynedd is Lord of the Purple March. (IKS) (CM) (TKD) (DR) (DC) (HD) (BH) (KJ) (QSC)
- PWYLLHELI—capital of Llannedd. (IKS) (TKD)
- R’KASSI—a great desert kingdom lying south of Torenth and Tralia and east of the Forcinn States, famous for its blooded horses and archers. (IKS) (CM) (TKD) (DC) (HD) (BH) (KJ) (QSC) (KKB) (KD)
- RAMOS—abbey town southwest of Valoret, the site of the Mother House of the Little Brothers of Saint Ercon; convening place of the Council of Ramos—winter 917-918—which established stringent anti-Deryni laws forbidding Deryni to hold office, own property above a certain value, enter holy orders, etc; birthplace of Paulin Sinclair. (CH) (HG) (KJY) (BP) (DC) (HD) (BH) (KJ) (QSC)
- RATHARKIN—provincial capital of Meara (IKS) (CM) (TKD), confirmed as the new capital of Meara after the union of Meara and Gwynedd in 1025, displacing Laas; seat of the Bishop of Meara. (BH) (KJ) (QSC) (KKB)
- REMIGNY—capital of Bremagne. (IKS) (TKD)
- RENGARTH—town in southern Eastmarch. a border town at the Gwynedd-Eastmarch-Torenth joining (SC) (CH) (CC); site of the betrayal of Duke Jared’s army by Bran Coris Earl of Eastmarch. (HD)
- RHANAMÉ—great Deryni university and seminary in R’Kassi. (IKS) (CM) (TKD)
- RHELJAN RANGE—mountain chain separating Eastmarch from Torenth; site of the walled city of Cardosa. (BH) (KD)
- RHELLEDD—Corwyn city near Kingslake, where the Sieur de Vali rode for help against Warin’s raiders. (DC)
- RHEMUTH CASTLE—seat of the Haldane Kings, and center of Gwynedd’s government. (CM) (TKD)
- RHEMUTH—ancient and modern capital of Gwynedd under the Haldanes, called “the beautiful”; abandoned during the Festillic Interregnum; restored under Cinhil and Alroy (CC) (SC) (CH); secondary archbishopric for Gwynedd, junior to Valoret. (HG) (KJY) (BP) (DR) (DC) (HD) (IKS) (CM) (TKD) (PA) (KD)
- RHEMUTH—capital city of Gwynedd and seat of the Archbishop of Rhemuth, now Thomas Cardiel. (BH) (KJ) (QSC) (KKB)
- RHENDALL MOUNTAINS—mountain chain encompassing Rhendall. (CM) (TKD)
- RHENDALL—mountainous earldom in northeast Gwynedd (part of old Kheldour), famous for its blue lakes; formerly the Festillic holding of Termod of Rhorau; given to Ewan, eldest son of Duke Sighere, in 906, as the secondary title of the Duke of Claibourne and courtesy title of his heir (CC) (SC) (CH) (HG) (BP) (IKS) (CM) (TKD) (HD); currently held by Saer de Traherne, brother of Duchess Meraude. (BH) (KJ) (QSC) (KKB)
- RHONDEVALA—where Michon’s son Aurelien and Jessamy’s eldest daughter live. (IKS)
- RHORAU—fortress seat of Lord Termod (one of the ancient families of the Eleven Kingdoms), cousin of King Imre, in the Rhendall lake region. (CC) (SC) (HD)
- ROYAL TABARD INN—Kingslake inn where Derry witnessed Warin’s healing of an injured man. (DC)
- RUNDEL CASTLE—an hour’s ride from Culdi. (CM)
- RUSTAN—town in the Rheljan foothills where Brion was to meet the Marluk. (L)
- RUYÈRE—a Fallonese port. (TKD)
- SAINT BEARAND’S ABBEY—abbey at the foot of the High Grelder Pass, near Caerrorie. (QSC)
- SAINT BRIGIDS ABBEY—convent near Cùilteine;Rothana’s abbey in the Mearan border area, sacked by Prince Ithel in 1124. (QSC)
- SAINT CASSIAN’S ABBEY—A Custodes House on the Plain of Iomaire. (BP)
- SAINT CONSTANTINE’S CATHEDRAL—the chief seat of the Archbishop of Beldour and Patriarch of All Torenth, currently Patriarch Alpheios I. (KKB)
- SAINT ELDERON—a Michaeline House in Torenth, on the coast near the East-march border. (CH)
- SAINT ERCON’S ABBEY—Mother House of the Little Brothers of Saint Ercon, in Ramos .(CH)
- SAINT ETHELBURGA’S SHRINE—shrine of the patroness of Dhassa, guarding the northern approach to the holy city. (DC) (HD) (BH)
- SAINT FOILLAN’S ABBEY—an Ordo Verbi Dei House, about three days’ ride in the mountains southeast of Valoret, where Camber and Rhys found Prince Cinhil Haldane. (CC) (SC) (CH)
- SAINT GEORGE’S CATHEDRAL—seat of the Archbishop of Rhemuth, Patrick Corrigan. (DR) now Thomas II Cardiel. (BH) (KJ) (QSC) (KKB)
- SAINT GILES ABBEY—convent in the lake region of Shannis Meer, near the Eastmarch border, where Jehana went into retreat before Kelson’s birth and after his coronation. (DC) (BH) (KJ)
- SAINT HILARY’S BASILICA—the ancient royal basilica located within the walls of Rhemuth Castle, of which Bishop Duncan McLain is rector during the early years of King Kelson. (DR) (BH) (KJ) (QSC) (KKB)
- ST. HILARY’S WITHIN-THE-WALLS—see Saint Hilary’s Basilica. (IKS)
- SAINT ILLTYD’S MONASTERY—Ordo Verbi Dei House on the river near Nyford. (CC) (CH)
- SAINT IVEAGH’S ABBEY—mother house of the Fratrí Silentii (Brothers of Silence), on the coast in southern Kheldour, where Loris was sent into captivity. (BH)
- SAINT JARLATH’S MONASTERY—mother house of the Ordo Verbi Dei, two hours’ ride north of Saint Liam’s Abbey (CC); Mother House of the Oder of Saint Jarlath, on the southwestern edge of the Plain of Iomaire. (BP)
- SAINT JOHN’S CHURCH—parish church near Fullers’ Alley in Valoret, where the Draper family records were kept. (CC)
- SAINT KYRIELL’S—a village located in the hills northeast of Caerrorie, where some of the Servants of Saint Camber went into exile after the imposition of the Statutes of Ramos in the tenth century; rediscovered by King Kelson in 1125. (QSC) (KKB)
- SAINT LIAM’S ABBEY—Michaeline-staffed abbey school, four hours’ ride northeast of Valoret; Joram MacRorie taught there briefly. (CC) (SC) (CH) (C)
- SAINT MARK’S ABBEY—abbey near Valoret (KJY) (BP) where the bodies of Lord Ralson and Colin of Fianna were held after their deaths. (DR)
- SAINT MARK'S CHURCH—parish church near Valoret. (PA)
- SAINT MARY’S IN THE HILLS—isolated monastery in the highlands above Culdi. (CH) (HG)
- SAINT MATTHEW’S GATE—gate in the Coroth city walls where the troubadour Gwydion learned one of the songs he sang for Morgan. (DC)
- SAINT NEOT’S ABBEY—stronghold and monastic shool of the Order of Saint Gabriel, an esoteric, primarily Deryni religious order, located in the Lendour highlands between Corwyn and Dhassa (CC) (SC) (CH); destroyed by troops led by the Regent Rhun on Christmas Eve, 917. (HG) (KJY) (BP) (DC) (HD) (HS) (V)
- SAINT OSTRYTHE’S CONVENT—small religious house lying between Ebor and Shelle. (BP)
- SAINT PIRAN’S PRIORY—establishment of the Ordo Verbi Dei, a day’s ride north of Saint Jarlath’s; Joram and Rhys interviewed the first two “Benedicts” there. (CC) (CH)
- SAINT SENAN’S CATHEDRAL—seat of the Bishop of Dhassa, Denis Arilan. (HD) (BH)
- SAINT TEILO’s CHURCH—parish church in Culdi, burial place of Alyce de Corwyn de Morgan. (DC)
- SAINT TORIN’S SHRINE—shrine of the patron of Dhassa, south of the city and Lake Jashan. (DC) (HD) (BH)
- SAINT ULTAN’S PRIORY—an Ordo Verbi Dei House on the southwest coast of Mooryn. (CC) (CH)
- SAINT URIEL AND ALL ANGELS’ CATHEDRAL—Seat of the Bishop of Meara, in Ratharkin. (BH) (KJ)
- SAINT-SASILE ABBEY—an all-Deryni monastic establishment in Furstánan, at the mouth of Torenth’s River Beldour. (CM) (TKD) (KKB)
- SARDEUX FOREST—between Trurill and Transha. (BH)
- SHANNIS MEER—lake region site of the Abbey of Saint Giles, where Jehana went into retreat before Kelson’s birth and after his coronation. (DC) (BH) (KJ)
- SHEELE—seat of the Earldom of Sheele, north of Valoret. (HG) (KJY) (BP)
- SHEELE—Rhys and Evaine's manor near Valoret. (HS)
- SOSTRA—a Corwyn town adjacent to the Torenthi county of the same name. (IKS)
- SOSTRA—a county of western Torenth, centered on the town of the same name. (KKB)
- SOUTHERN SEA—that part of the Atalantic Ocean lying between Gwynedd and the Forcinn States, Fallon, and Bremagne. (KKB)
- STAVENHAM—episcopal see in the far north of Kheldour (HG) (KJY) (BP); seat of the Bishop of Stavenham, de Lacey (DC) (HD); later the seat of the Bishop of Stavenham, Conlan. (BH)
- TAL TRAETH—Cathan MacRorie’s manor house in Valoret. (CC)
- TALACARA—town where Ithel of Meara was captured by Kelson. (KJ)
- TANDORELLO—ford on the River Cùille, west of Culdi. (TKD)
- TARLEVILLE—Earl Tammaron’s estate on the Eirian river, several days’ ride north of Rhemuth. (HG)
- TEMPLUM ARCHANGELORUM—long destroyed abbey with ancient esoteric antecedents, location unspecified. (HG)
- TENDAL—barony of Corwyn. (CM)
- TOLAN—marriage portion of Princess Charis of Torenth, who married Marek of Festil; now a duchy east of Marley and far in the north of Torenth (BP), formerly held by Charissa (DR) (BH) (KJ)
- TOPHEL Peak—mountain visible from Thorne Hagen’s castle. (HD)
- TORENTH—major kingdom bordering Gwynedd on the east, origin of the Festillic line, ruled at one time by the Deryni King Nimur (CC) (SC) (CH); later ruled by King Arion (HG) (KJY) (BP), and whose most recent kings include Wencit, or Wenzel II (1110–1121) (IKS) (CM) (TKD) (DR) (DC) (HD), Alroy Arion II (1121–1123), and Liam-Lajos II (1123–). (BH) (KJ) (QSC) (KKB)
- TORENTHÁLY—the country seat of Torenth’s kings, located north of Beldour, which includes the Church of Hagia Iób, the Nikolaseum, and the Furstáni royal tombs. (KKB)
- TORTUÑA—a Tralian port across the straits from Horthánthy. (CM) (TKD)
- TRALIA—more recent name of the sovereign principality ruled by the Hort of Orsal. (IKS) (CM) (TKD); see Orsal. (KKB)
- TRANCAULT—a Vezairi port. (TKD)
- TRANSHA—an earldom in Gwynedd bordering Kierney and the Purple March, (IKS) (CM) (TKD) now owned by the Dukes of Cassan. (KKB)
- TRANSHA—seat of the Earl of Transha, in the border marches between Kierney and the Purple March. (BH) (KJ) (QSC)
- TRAVLUM—site of Jamyl Arilan’s wedding. (TKD)
- TRE-ARILAN—country seat and ancestral home of the Arilan family. (IKS) (CM) (TKD) (PA)
- TREVALGA—Earl Gregory’s estate in the Connait. (HG)
- TREVAS—a village and bay on the coast of Corwyn. (TKD)
- TRURILL CASTLE—castle of Lord Adrian MacLean, Master of Kierney, near Cor Culdi. (CH) (HG)
- TRURILL—ancient border barony between Gwynedd and Meara, west of Culdi (IKS) (CM) (TKD); later held by Brice of Trurill. (BH) (KJ)
- TRUVORSK—a duchy of central Torenth. (KKB)
- VALLA DE COURCY—the estate of the de Courcy family in Gwynedd. (KKB)
- VALORET—Festillic capital of Gwynedd, 822–905, from which springs the primacy of its archbishop, located between Eastmarch and the Haldane Honor (KJY) (CC) (SC) (CH) (HG) (BP); seat of the Archbishop of Valoret, Primate of All Gwynedd (Edmund Loris among others), at All Saints’ Cathedral. (IKS) (CM) (TKD); site of the Abbey of Saint Mark. (DR) (DC) (HD) (BH) (KJ) (QSC) (KKB) (PA)
- VÁR ADONY—winter palace of the Hort of Orsal, Prince of Tralia. (TKD)
- VARIAN—holding of one of the ancient families of the Eleven Kingdoms. (HD)
- VELDUR Forests—located upriver from Fathane. (DC)
- VÉZAIRE—a sovereign grand duchy of the Forcinn. (CM) (TKD) (KKB)
- WARRINGHAM—site of a shrine to Saint Camber. (CH)